Definder - what does the word mean?

What is radics?

A word used by people over the age of 30 in an attempt to sound cool, usually resulting in the opposite.

Jim: (to friend) Hey check it out I got a new snowboard.

Jim's mom: (overhearing conversation) Yeah its totally radical.

Jim: OK you can go away now.

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radics - meme gif

radics meme gif

radics - video


Radics - what is it?

Means something good.

Skateboards are totally radical dude!

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What does "radics" mean?

Radness. used to describe something that is totally rad.

Geoff: Hey man, your tie exudes radicity.

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Radics - what does it mean?

another word for cool, awsome, wicked, mad. but of course, Radical is Radicaller than those words

Dude 1: you are radical dude.
Dude 2: thanks dude your radical too.

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Radics - meaning

Can use this word for whatever u want

Big up The JimmyBoys

Your my radicous

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Radics - definition

Radical (rahd eek al) is a word used proficiently and often by Michaelangelo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He is the only one on earth that truly knows its awesomeness, although such scholars as William Preston-Esquire and Theordore Theordore Logan have come close to unveiling the true natures of such speak. The best reason for dividing radical is to make more mini-radicals influence from the beinning radical, in hopes of creating a little radical for everyone. And pizza.


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Radics - slang

A radical is a person subscribing to a political ideology supporting massive, unmeasured, and rapid change. Radicalism is contrasted with conservatism that advocate minimum change, reactionary action advocating counter-change, as well as progressivism advocating moderate/measured change.

A radical would want to chang, for example, a feudal system into a completely capitalist system, or a completely capitalist system into a communist one. Another exaple of radicalism would be a person who wanted to change an Islamic Theocracy into an Atheist state (see!

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adj.- a description of an action or thing which is especially impressive.

n.- an extremist of a belief or a rebel

Did you see Tony Hawk pull off the 900? It was a radical move.

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Dude ur mixtape is radical
Fuck you Jerry it's 2015

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When something is really cool but you really want to go over board so you say radical

That kickflip was radical dude 😎🤙

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