Definder - what does the word mean?

What is quick on the sticks?

Premature ejactulater.

"How was Trent last night?"

"Oh you know. We sqrewed, but he is such a quick stick that I have to finish myself off after he leaves."

👍41 👎25

quick on the sticks - video


Quick on the sticks - what is it?

Used when asking someone to hurry the fuck up !

Chad, your round for drinks, quick sticks!!

👍51 👎31

What does "quick on the sticks" mean?

When someone needs to hurry their ass up!

Paul move your ass, Quick Sticks!!

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Quick on the sticks - what does it mean?

A term used to emphasise the hurried nature of your request.

"Fucking sort it out quick sticks you cunt"

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Quick on the sticks - meaning

To have extreme hand eye coordination and be very talented at video games. Reaction time is reduced and usually relates to high-level Call of Duty players.

I am quick on the sticks, I never lose.

👍55 👎15

Quick on the sticks - definition

To have extreme video game reflexes and have very short reaction time. Someone who is quick on the sticks is a very talented video game player, usually relating to Call of Duty.

I am quick on the sticks, I never lose.

👍67 👎15