Definder - what does the word mean?

What is puntas?

what you yell when you are excited, angry, happy, or frustrated. Means pencil sharpener in Spanish. SACA PUNTA!!!!

Guy2: You must be feeling extremely emotional!
Spanishguy: Pencil sharpener? QUE?!?!?!?!

👍107 👎21

puntas - meme gif

puntas meme gif

puntas - video


Puntas - what is it?

Literally translates to “spike face” in English, when the humidity get to you and you start itching your scalp and allat like a tweaker would

Eastside Orlando lingo

The sun tryna catch a stripe on me cuz why tf I got punta face 7 in the morning shit is dead flies

👍61 👎13

What does "puntas" mean?

If the president of the United States is named George W. Bush, and you have need of a circumstance in which to refer to him by a code name, you could call him "the punta."

Enraged Environmentalist: "Damn! The punta pulled us out of the Kyoto accords!"

👍459 👎1293

Puntas - what does it mean?


I need to get some puntas.

👍67 👎45

Puntas - meaning

The slang term, made up by Groucho-Won, that is commonly in conjunction with the one and only, Vagina.

She spread her legs and I observed her punta.

👍985 👎1165

Puntas - definition

A traditional dance created by the Garifuna who were Blacks who refused slavery and were kicked out of st. Vincent and migrated to Central America. Punta is mostly heard in Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala.

Garifuna dance punta to celebrate the life of the dead! they believe that when you die, you're in a stupor and not yet gone. So they dance one last time with you, and also to celebrate your life...

👍441 👎343

Puntas - slang

Spanish for "end":

1) A point of land extending into a body of water.
2) Rude term for the buttocks, usually female.

1) Punta Blanca - White point.
2) "What a punta!"

👍1955 👎1537


PUNTA doesn't mean puta.
PUNTA is a traditional dance in Honduras performed my Garifuna musicians.

Ruperta was learning to dance punta.

👍783 👎575


Punta is NOT a slang word.

PUTA is a hispanic slang term for "whore"

Punta is what non-hispanics think is Puta. For some reason they put the "N" in it.

"Did you hear that Puta call her a Punta? hahaaha Whats a Punta?"

👍1989 👎1307


Pimp who brings on the milkshake

My PUNTAS brings all the boys to the yard!

👍43 👎51