Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pull an Andy?

To get a vasectomy without telling your wife.

If I pull an Andy my wife will be pissed.

👍25 👎11

pull an Andy - video


Pull an Andy - what is it?

Posting in the wrong subreddit, replying to the wrong Tweet, reply all accidentally, or messaging in the wrong chat.

"Sorry, I Pulled an Andy. I meant to post this in r/treelaw not r/trees"

👍25 👎11

What does "pull an Andy" mean?

Means many things such as

- Carrying the team
- Flawless execution of skill
- Never messing up

I just pulled an Andy and won the game.
I'm pulling an Andy and carrying the team since my teammate sucks

Good thing I'm pulling an Andy and winning the game instead of pulling a Michael and sucking.

👍25 👎11

Pull an Andy - what does it mean?

In the film Shawshank Redemption, Andy DuFresne wanted library books, so he sent letters constantly to request the libary books. Then when he request was accepted, he sent more to get even more library books.

To pull an Andy DuFresne is to constantly hassle someone when you want something. Usually in regards to letters, like in the movie, or emails.

Ah yea, those bastards weren't answering my emails so I had to pull an Andy DuFresne on them.

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Pull an Andy - meaning

To overexaggerate a loud cough, sneeze, or chocking sound to get a girls or a guys attention. You can be in car or walking to Pull an Andy

One day my friends and I were in the car and one of them saw a bad ass chick so he and made a very loud overexaggerated cough to get her attention and a dude ended up looking. Pulling A Andy that time backfired big time

👍27 👎15

Pull an Andy - definition

Forgetting something excessively

Falling for stuff very easily

Failure to listen the first time

Andy-"Did someone call my name?"

"Andy did you know the word gullible isn't in the dictionary"
Andy- "I can't believe i fell for that"

"Where are we"
"I'm hungry"
Stop Pulling an Andy.

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Pull an Andy - slang

"Pulling an Andy" basically means being someone who always cancels plans and hardly shows up to plans be makes.

person #1: man where the hell is Andy?"
person #2: man he's just "pulling an Andy" again.

person #1: true

👍25 👎11

Pull an Andy

the act of travelling more than one state and/or province away in hopes of fucking some individual from destination.

Matt: Hey how did your trip go?

Jim: well I tried Pulling an Andy...

Matt: Did it work?

Jim: Nah bro, girl was on her period. I had to solo my way back.

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Pull an Andy

Not showing up to school to avoid a class you don't like; Ditching school to play over-watch and band-wagoning the Golden State Warrior.

"Damn, Josh is pulling an Andy today because of gym."

👍25 👎11

Pull an Andy

A term used when backing out of work last minute (even if you promised to you'd come in today) with no explanation (not even a lame one like "I'm sick").

1. "Hey, where's Keith today?"
"Oh, Keith pulled an Andy today. He's not coming in."
"Keith pulled an Andy? Is that what you're telling me?"

2. "Hey guys, I know I said I was definitely working tomorrow, but I'm thinking about pulling an Andy. Maybe I'll be there, maybe I won't"

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