Definder - what does the word mean?

What is prevenge?

Prevenge: when you know someone is going to do you dirty so you get them twice as bad before they get you.

I got prevenge on that crook long before he could steal from me.

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prevenge meme gif

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Prevenge - what is it?

The Act of way before having Revenge for an insult, injury, or other wrong.

Prevengeance is a dish best serve HOT!

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What does "prevenge" mean?

The act of performing a prank or act of humiliation on one who has not yet, but you believe will, upset or humiliate you at some point.

Im not waiting for that douchebag Jerry to humiliate me, i got my prevenge by setting off stink bombs in his locker.

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Prevenge - what does it mean?

To do unto others before it is done unto you.

She took prevenge on her boyfriend by eating the last piece of pizza before he could. Ha, prevenge!!! She also took prevenge on her boyfriend by farting in the car and locking the windows so he could not escape. Prevenge!!

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Prevenge - meaning

Like revenge, but without waiting for the act to occur.

Sure that Saddam Hussein would attack the USA, the acting president got prevenge by attacking first.

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Prevenge - definition

to avenge somebody before the action occurs. also known as preemptive action. An action the make revenge meaningless.

I would have been killed by those drunken idiots, but Tom intervened and prevenged me. If only I could have prevenged him from the battery charges that followed.

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Prevenge - slang

Prediction of revenge that may become necessary in the future.

I just kinda gort this feeling of prevenge about this guy - I knew that he would do something that would piss me off badlty.

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An act of revenge committed with a priori knowledge of the act to be revenged.

In "Full Metal Jacket", Private Pyle deserved his "blanket party", as it was an act of prevenge for his later killing of Gny. Sgt. Hartman.

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Get them before they get you.

Why wait until after you get screwed over? Practice prevenge, you will feel better.

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the act of taking revenge before the event that made you want revenge

billy was going to kill ed's dad, so ed took out prevenge on the mofo

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