Definder - what does the word mean?

What is poobis?

The combined action of taking a poop and smoking a doobie.

Hey man what’s up?

Not much man just poopin and smoking a doobie.
Oh you mean you’re taking a poobie?


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poobis - meme gif

poobis meme gif

poobis - video


Poobis - what is it?


Look at that pit bull! Isn't it a cute poobis?

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What does "poobis" mean?

Its divinity spells our demise.


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Poobis - what does it mean?

A person or thing that you don't like.

Man, this long line is pooby.

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Poobis - meaning

When you take a phat shit on a woman's chest and the poop slides between her breasts.

James gave Sara poobie's last night. Good thing it was solid.

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Poobis - definition

what you get when you cross a poodle with a bijon

A pooby is a cute dog but has a rowdy personality

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Poobis - slang

Pooby: 1. An affectionate term insinuating that the person worthy of affection is also behaving in a silly, cute, or utterly adorable way. For example, when 'pooby' has just put the milk in the cupboard instead of putting it in the fridge, or when 'pooby' has just said 'I can has that cd right there?' in the way that lol cats often speak. It can be fair to say that this term can also insinuate that the person has just been adorable for looking attractive without subjecting himself to acts of loll cat talking, and other forms of strangeness.

Pooby: 2. A sandwich containing poo, peanut butter, and jelly. This sandwich is usually shipped to someone you do not like anonymously, similar to Sharon Stone.

Pooby: 1. Aww, pooby, don't cry after you spilled your dinner on yoru shirt!
2. After giving pooby a footrub for absolutely nothing, he then pranked me by placing a whoppie cushion under my ass. Thanks pooby. Thanks.

Pooby: 2. I packed a gourmet looking pooby on expensive bread and wrapped it up all nice before putting it in the fridge at work. That'll stop them from stealing my lunch all the damn time.

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It compels you to ascend, while striking terror in the hearts of any folk who are unlucky enough to hear its utterance.


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A word put in someone else's Facebook status to indicate that they have left their Facebook account signed in and unattended. It's considered to be a tame version of frape, and can be achieved in a manner of seconds because of its short and simple nature.

It usually takes the form of "(name) is Poobie." but variations on the standard poobie are often used. It is also used as a verb to describe the action of poobie.

Being poobied brings shame on the recipient and lets their friends know that they have been stupid enough to allow circumstances in which poobie could occur. It is against poobie law for the recipient to delete a poobie, unless it was done in unfair circumstances, e.g. hacking.

Joe Blogs is Poobie!
Jane Blogs is poobielicious, so delicious, make the boys go loco.
I poobied my mum yesterday, she didn't get it.

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Whatever the speaker wishes it to mean

β€œYou’re a god damn Poobis”

β€œLook it’s a wild Poobis”
β€œI love Poobis”

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