Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pomb?

Means 'pancakes on me bum' the name of the top squad in a school. The popular kids basically. The top dooogsss. The cooool kids 😎

Woah i really wanna be a member of the pomb squad

👍33 👎29

pomb - meme gif

pomb meme gif

pomb - video


Pomb - what is it?

badass, sexy, single cell yeast

jyea i pombe

👍45 👎15

What does "pomb" mean?

The definition of this word means Pull on my bangs. This word is used in intercourse with a girlfriend side ting or whatever that has bangs.

Girl: ahhhh daddy come to be I want pomb
Guy: ahh fine I’ll give u some nice pomb

Pomb means pull on my bangs

👍155 👎15

Pomb - what does it mean?

Pomb means fanny or vagina

that girl last night had a sweaty pomb

👍61 👎47