Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pofo?

1 to dgaf on a friday due to it being the last day of the school/work week
2 to be lazy
general expression
1 used to express not caring (preferebly on a friday)

I could be really productive today, but ill just pofo friday. Ill finish this on monday

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pofo - meme gif

pofo meme gif

pofo - video


Pofo - what is it?

A small, hyper emo, who has an obsession with small boys...

Omg look at that Pofo screaming in the kids playpark!

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What does "pofo" mean?

When someone hands you something but you accidentally kiss them on the right eye lid

This girl handed me a piece a paper and i accidentally pofos her.

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Pofo - what does it mean?

A variation of mofo; pofos stands for pee on feeto's. Basically someone who is into feet and peeing on them.

Keep your feet away from Mike girls, he is into pofos.

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Pofo - meaning

Is a town south of chicago, that is very promanet with gang violence. To the residence it is called PoFo, because we all speak Ebonics and cant prenouce our "R's".

Guy 1: Hey man last week I was fucking got this good ass shit in Park Forest, over by Sterks.

Guy 2: Where the fuck is Park Forest?

Guy 1: What you mean where is it, you baby's momma lives there!

Guy 2: You should have said PoFo, you dumb bitch.
Aint no one call it Park Forest no more.

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Pofo - definition

Debater slang for Public Forum Debate, one of the styles of debate practiced in the National Forensics League competitions.

Dude, Jake and I killed those two freshman girls in Pofo with our killer argument about the United States Immigration policy!

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Pofo - slang

A common abbreviation for poop fuck. Smud is often the result. When to love-makers defecate on each other it is called pofo.

Yo girl this be be some hot pofo!

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a "patricia fucker"
one who enjoys fucking a patricia
::see cyfo::

cynthia is such a pofo! her and patricia hook up like everyday man!!

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Acronym for "Piss Off and Fuck Off". Used in a similar fashion of dismissal as the other internet acronym STFU "Shut The Fuck Up".

"POFO asshole, I'm fucking busy"

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pofo a very gross and slimy boy that has an obession with someone who wants nothing to do with him.

Cori: "God, Pofo will not leave me alone. I seriously want to die."

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