Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pinch and roll?

When a guy has itchy balls . and he pinch's it and rolls to stop the recent itch .

Man has an itch downstairs , so he goes in . pinches the sack then rolls. aka the Pinch n Roll

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pinch and roll - video


Pinch and roll - what is it?

A drug buying term, similar to "cop n roll" which you hear all the time on the streets if you've ever bought street drugs. It means grab your sh-t from out of my hand and keep it moving. Everyone here is apparently too innocent to know this b/c everyone thinks it has something to do with their butt sack and their nut crack.

Got them whites & blues, 10 or 100 for a bundle, whatchoo need, pinch n roll homie

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What does "pinch and roll" mean?

By far the best technique of easing the itch of ones ball sack. Done by LIGHTLY pinching the scrotum and rolling it in a circular motion.

Quit itchin your balls look like a dirty homeless guy. Try the "pinch n roll". It's discreet and gets the job done!

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Pinch and roll - what does it mean?

The act of itching one's scrotum due to the fact that the area in and around the testicles is very sensitive to harsh forces.

Men can not just scratch their scrotum but must grab the sack between there fingers at the spot of itchiness and Pinch and Roll the skin back in forth to attain full satisfaction.

My ballsack is very itchy. I think I'll go find a private place in the office and pinch-n-roll them.

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Pinch and roll - meaning

A pinch and roll is a term used for itching the balls. One does not scratch the balls, as that would hurt like hell. So, you would execute the pinch and roll maneuver, which is quite self- explanatory(the name implies). One does not do the pinch and roll in public, only in private. If it is truly a life and death situation, you can do it through your pockets. That’s all I’ve gotta say on the pinch and roll.

β€œDude…cover me. Imma pinch and roll.”
Laughing incoherently, the friend blocks his other friend from view as he executes the pinch and roll maneuver.

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Pinch and roll - definition

The delicate, efficient, and proper way a gentleman relieves his scrotum from itching, by pinching a small piece of skin and then quickly "rolling" it until the itch is relieved.

Guy 1: I need to scratch my balls, but I don't want to make a big deal about it.

Guy 2: Just give it the old pinch and roll, son.

Guy 1 : Good call

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Pinch and roll - slang

if you dinlt know i can't tell you

dude i can really go for a pinch and roll

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Pinch and roll

When your scrotum itches u pinch the loose skin then roll your fingertips in order to relive the itch and or burn

man my balls are so itchy i could really go for a pinch and roll.....ladies.

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Pinch and roll

This is related to a really bad itch on a males scrotum. When the itch is so bad you must place the loose sack skin between the finger and thumb. Once you have a good grab you proceed to pinch and roll the itchy skin between your thumb and finger. This usually results in a boner, from feeling so good, with masturbation to follow.

My balls itch so bad I'm going to have to use the pinch and roll technique to stop it.

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Pinch and roll

The ONLY comfortable and workable way to scratch one's scrotum. Actual scratching does not work, as the scrotal entity slides around under the fingers. To achieve results, the scrotum is pinched between the fingers and rolled back and forth.

Sweetie-darling, if you really want to scratch the boys, you must remember to use the pinch and roll technique.

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