Definder - what does the word mean?

What is butt sack?

when you have a tumor on your gooch, therefore its a butt sack

Gabe: What a fucking Buttsack
Kevin: I fucking hate buttsacks

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butt sack - video


Butt sack - what is it?

When you bend over with no pants or underwear on, and from behind, it looks like your butt has a ball sack.

(this takes place in a locker room)
Man 1: "Dangit, i dropped my deodorant."
(man 1 bends over naked to pick it up)
Man 2: "What?"
(man 2 looks over to see what happened)
Man 2:"DUDE!, i can see your butt-sack!

👍45 👎25

What does "butt sack" mean?

An extra sack of skin found between the Genitals and Asshole occurring as an anomaly in about 1 in every 100 people.

Lick my Butt-sack!
Damn, I just sat on my Butt-sack!

👍65 👎33

Butt sack - what does it mean?

When a guy who is naked bends over and you can see his sack hanging between his legs, beneath his butt.

My boyfriend bent over after his shower and I got a full view of his butt sack.

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Butt sack - meaning

A word commonly used by teenagers , referring to the back side of your ball sack.

Ouch, dude, you hit my butt sack.

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Butt sack - definition

An older woman's saggy butt that hangs down like a sack

Guy 1: Hey isnt that your grandma?
Guy 2: No way man, she's got a butt sack!

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Butt sack - slang

The result of violently being penetrated excessively in the anus.

"Yo that bitch got a fine ass butt sack"
"Ima blade on yo mommas butt sack!"

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Butt sack

The fat that rolls over when you wear too tight of jeans, which shapes the form of looking like a fleshy sack, often refered to as "muffin top".

"Jennifer Lopez's butt sack pops out everytime she puts on a pair of jeans, causing rolling blackouts in Southern California"

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Butt sack

A small pouch that is formed when someone is continually done in the asshole. Usually fills with anal secretions and all kinds of nasty shit, including old, rotten, cum.

1. Oh shit, my butt sack is full again. Hold on while I go squeeze it out.

2. What's that gay kid doing?
Itching his butt sack.

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Butt sack

to pull back the scrotum with a pliers until it is directly over the anus, then punching it into the anus (you might want to wear gloves); approximately equivalent to 1000 punches in the shoulder.

If Star Wars Battlefront 3 doesn't come out for PS2, I'm gonna butt sack someone.

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