Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pikaCHU?

A yellow rat that shoots electricity

Me: bro I just caught a pikachu!

Friend: lucky, I only caught a deoxys

👍25 👎11

pikaCHU - meme gif

pikaCHU meme gif

pikaCHU - video


PikaCHU - what is it?

The act of tazing your sexual partner right before she has an orgasm.

I've always wanted to give my girl a pikachu but I don't own a tazer

👍209 👎37

What does "pikaCHU" mean?

The act of fucking a female, halfway through stick car battery cables to her pussy lips and whilst shocking her scream "PIKACHU!!!"

I gave her a Pikachu and burned her hair.

👍605 👎119

PikaCHU - what does it mean?

When you hook jumper cables to a car battery and a girls nipples, while she she repeatedly screams "PIKACHU" as loud as she can till you cum in her vag. After, she calls you ash for the rest of the night

My girl was pikachuing so loud last night that Brock came to check on us.

👍665 👎133

PikaCHU - meaning

A sexual act where a man fucking a woman (or a man) sticks a metal rod in his ass outside during a lightning storm and awaits a lightning bolt to strike the pole giving a major orgasm to both of the people having sex

I tried The pikachu on Sarah last night and it was THE BEST sex I ever had but Sarah is still unconscious so...

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PikaCHU - definition

The name of all pokemon

*Charmander apears* Hey look, a Pikachu!

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PikaCHU - slang

the one pokemon that parents over 35 years in age call every pokemon

is that a pikachu?

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Japan's Mickey Mouse

Everywhere I looked on my trip to Japan, I saw Pikachu!

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Something that cops should yell when tazing someone

Dude: Don't tasee me bro!
Pikachu gained 50 EXP

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A sexual position in which the woman (or man) is being fucked from behind, and just before the man cums he pulls out a tazer and electrocutes her back.

Can be enhanced by screaming "PIKAAAAAA!"

I gave Sandra The Pikachu last night.

Oh yeah, how'd it work out?

She called the cops and is suing me for rape.

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