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What is picture whore?

A person who takes a lot of unnecessary pictures and puts them on myspace.

Katey posted about 200 pictures of her Friday night on her Myspace. Then she asked me to go comment them! She's such a Myspace Picture Whore!

👍51 👎13

picture whore - video


Picture whore - what is it?

Someone, in most cases a woman, that has an over obsession with taking photos of themselves. Whether they're home alone, out with friends, or going planking. They must have picture proof, of how cool they are.

Person 1: "Hey, did you see Jenna's new beach photos?"
Person 2: "Didn't she just upload some of her yesterday coneing at McDonalds?"
Person 1: "Yeah.. She's a total Picture Whore."

👍49 👎23

What does "picture whore" mean?

sluts on sites like nexopia and myspace that take many pictures of themselves showing off how patheticaly cake faced and unhealthy they are. Pictures are typicaly taken in a mirror with the whores looking stoned or zoned out. Some sluts show it all off and they are the major skankers that should go get an STD and stop crying for attention because their fathers hate them and their boyfriend cheated on them.

"Did you see Megan's 3rd picture on nexopia?"
"oh.. the one where she has no shirt on and her thong pulled up?"
"yes, that one. her and all of her friends are picture whores"

👍83 👎41

Picture whore - what does it mean?

a person, normally an art kid, that is both a model and photographer

what a picture whore

👍111 👎287

Picture whore - meaning

Kids on and other such sites that take thousands of pictures of themselves, most of these pictures look nearly exactly the same as the last picture usually. The irony is that 75% of picture whores claim to believe they're ugly.

Having picture whores on your LJ friends list is annoying, especially if they don't use LJ cuts, so you go to your friends page and it takes an hour to load.

👍361 👎223

Picture whore - definition

A wife/girlfriend (any girl really) who takes pictures of themselves in lingerie or nothing and then texts/e-mails them to a near stranger or someone she just met.

I can't beleive those pics your wife sent out. She is shuch a picture whore. She might as well charge for them and bring in some cash. It's no less degradable.

👍95 👎41

Picture whore - slang

People mainly girls but some boys who take more than 200-300 pictures on their camera and upload it to social networking sites and caption it saying that they look ugly or terrible so people wil give them compliments in the comment box.

Picture whore: "i looke so ugly in this picture"

Person B: "Wow you look fine ok? stop being such a picture whore.."

👍127 👎55

Picture whore

Dumb bitches that run around with digital cameras and take pictures of themselves and their friends to post on picture trails to prove to others that they have friends. This type is most commonly found on the Long Island region, and other affluent suburban neighborhoods.

"Was the party dope?"
"Nah yo, it was filled with dumb ass picture whores who were trying to smoke my tree."

👍543 👎271

Picture whore

1. Zoe
2. Jessopjessopjessop

"Zoe and Jessop are such picture whores"

👍1199 👎431