Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pick-em?

to walk !

response from a young, darker pigmented human after being asked how he would get to "big game"

magoo! , how you getting to the game ? magoo: "picking 'em up, laying 'em down ! "

👍27 👎13

pick-em - meme gif

pick-em meme gif

pick-em - video


Pick-em - what is it?

Means, getting drunk, and doing Ectasty and/or LSD.

"last night, i went to a party and i was all like droppin' sticks, pick 'em up!, i should maybe lie down for awhile."

"Damn, did you see that girl, she was dropping sticks at 10 AM, then, later that night, she picked them right the fuck up!!"

👍67 👎23

What does "pick-em" mean?

the way that a redneck, usually one that hails from the Southern United States, refers to their pick-up truck. The added "'em" is the addition of Southern dialogue to the general name of a common type of truck, and usually makes the person driving appear to be of low intelligence

Cletus: Its a darn tootin fine day here in Mobile, Alabama.

BillyJoe: sure is Cletus, its mighty-fine. Wanna go for a ride in my fancy Ford F-150 pick 'em up truck?

Cletus: Yeeeeeeeehaw lets go!!!

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Pick-em - what does it mean?

When neither team is favored. Also called a "pick" in sports betting terms.

The odds on Giants v San Francisco, is a pick-em.

👍33 👎11

Pick-em - meaning

When there is no favorite team (both teams are considered to have an equal chance of winning the contest) the 'point spread' is a 'PK' ('Pick' or 'pick'em') in which case there is no point spread. In a 'PK' you may wager on either team to win risking $110 to win $100. If the team wagered upon wins, your wager is a winner.

-"whats the point spread?"
*"there is none, it's a pick em"

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