Definder - what does the word mean?

What is phi sigma sigma?

A slutty sorority girl who is super easy. Also known as Phi Slamma Slamma

guy 1- Hey do you see that Phi Sigma Sigma over there? I fucked her yesterday

guy 2- Who hasnt? Shes a Phi Slamma Slamma

👍247 👎575

phi sigma sigma - video


Phi sigma sigma - what is it?

a bunch of really pretty chicks that like to have a good time. they get crazy and know how party, at my school (j&w) there sorority of the year and always win greek week. they always have the most girls that wanna rush their sorority - no wonder why. they attract the hot new freshman because of their good looks, popularity and clothes. they get things handed to them because of who they are and think their better than everyone else, even though it is true.

student 1: we have a 2 absence rule and this is her 4th absence so far! why hasnt she been dropped from the class?
student 2: shes a phi sigma sigma , and shes hot

👍365 👎263

What does "phi sigma sigma" mean?

The non cookiecutter sorority, where each girl is an individual and unique but when put together phi sig girls know how to get shit done. We party with the best, we smoke and drink and have a great time while doing it!...We'll rock your socks off

girl 1-why'd you pick phi sig?
phi sig sister- cause they're not jappy stuck up girls, they're chill and know how to have a good time

👍1109 👎827

Phi sigma sigma - what does it mean?

hottest, chillest, coolest, most "real" girls who cut your ass during rush. Will most likely be found at the bars and can party with the best of them!!! (Most can drink your ass under the table!)

guy 1: damn did you see those new phi sig pledges?
guy 2: it's a pipe dream man, those phi sig girls are too hot for your sorry ass.

👍1503 👎955

Phi sigma sigma - meaning

a national sorority of only the best ladies. their motto is aim high, which they do in each and every aspect whether it's greek life, partying like rockstars, their GPAs, or any other spectacular thing that these phi sexy sexy's can do! they party with the best and can drink your boyfriend under the table. despite their rockstar partying status, they also manage to have the highest GPAs on campus, look fantastic all the time, give back to their communities and are great examples for greeks everywhere! may she's born with it, or maybe she's a phi sigma sigma ;)

"see that fine ass lady right there? she's a phi sigma sigma."

👍1235 👎801