Definder - what does the word mean?

What is phelan?

a rather plump fella originating from skem, cried one time because wii fit told him he was EXTREMELY OBESE, has immense dick cheese u can pick up a wiff within a few metres or if he is just walking past. avoid

person 1 "is that peter griffin"
person 2 "no its harry phelan cover ur wiffers"

👍25 👎11

phelan - meme gif

phelan meme gif

phelan - video


Phelan - what is it?

When you're so angry with someone you momentarily feel like commiting murder. This term was thought to originate from the British Soap character Pat Phelan, an infamous serial killer.

I'm so angry that he stole my ergonomic pen. I'm phelan like Pat did.

👍25 👎11

What does "phelan" mean?

A compulsive talker at a very fast pace.

I was in a lecture this morning on Irish poetry and it was so boring. What made it worse was the fact the lecturer was a sinead phelan!!!!

👍25 👎11

Phelan - what does it mean?

A man whose kids are Mia ,Lucy Danny and fletcher phelan. Mia and Lucy are reallyyy funny

and Danny and flethcer sit in the bins

Sees two boys sat in the bins :” that must be pat phelans kids cos there in a bin

👍25 👎11

Phelan - meaning

This place once was lush with water. Now it has a city full of dried up bottom feeders, Meth heads and those not on it areeven more pathetic in their uneducated selves. They cover to Wrightwood area as well. Ignorance dwells here with the racism, uneducated, not morally grounded dirty trash of all nationalities. Walk into any store in this place and see these dried up things to that once could have been human. If they are not on meth- they once were or will be again. Brothers marry sisters in the same family. Mother's teach their children the meth ways showing and raising their children to follow their ways. Women and men here are the epitome of "Idiocracy" in the works.

Even Google says it correctly, Phelan (felon)

👍31 👎21

Phelan - definition

A girl who smells bad and shits on you during sex

Dude, emma is such a phelane

👍37 👎25

Phelan - slang

Phelan: a town in southern california's high desert inhabited by meth heads and desert rats; known only for its high school "Phelan High" which is the only large structure for 50 miles in all directions

-hey you go to phelan high dont you? thats such a little town and you guys are near nothing what do you do for fun?
(reply)-smoke weed and bake meth for the skin heads

👍97 👎103


a totally cool cat.

Phelan Scott

👍173 👎91


A collection of buildings and trees that just barely qualifies as a town in Southern California. If anything, a hellhole is a better name for it because the weather can never make up its fucking mind. Its main features are Stater Brothers and Serrano High School. A majority of the residents are doing or have done some kind of illegal drug, due to the fact that all the drug dealers gather at the high school. The football team and academics are actually pretty good, but that's because of the drugs too. In the winter, everyone goes to Wrightwood because it's better there. In the summer, they go back to Wrightwood. During the spring and autumn, they go find whatever relatives they have who don't live in Phelan and stay there. Despite all the bad things people say about Phelan, they all secretly love it here.

Person 1: I live in Phelan.
Person 2: You poor thing.

👍169 👎63


An over all awesome dude, who's not famous now but YOU JUST WAIT MOTHA FUCKA!!!

CHILL phelan

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