Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pfn?

ping for nudes

'ping' is a term you use over text most of the time to get someones attention.
Sarah: Hey, whats up!
*10 mins later*
Sarah: ping
Sarah: ping
Marcus: Oh hey, sorry my phone died.
'nudes' is a naked photo taken most of the time by yourself.
So when people say 'ping for nudes' or 'pfn' you text or inbox them saying 'ping' amd they will send you a nude.

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pfn - meme gif

pfn meme gif

pfn - video


Pfn - what is it?

Painted Finger-Nail Syndrome

Jesse: You like my new finger nails

Luke: Get away from me freak, not trying to catch PFNS

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What does "pfn" mean?

Prep Free Nation

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Pfn - what does it mean?

Prehistoric Fucking News

used when old fucking news isn't applicable

n00b: all your base

kewl1337d00der(lawlz): pfn

n00b: huh?

kewl1337d00der(lawlz): killyerself

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Pfn - meaning

PFN or a "post fap nap" is the nap you have after a rather satisfying wank, not a term used by young people as they are still ashamed of it

person 1: sup bro
person 2 : just finished a PFN
person 1: aight wash your hands and drop by man

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Pfn - definition

Pretty fucking nice. The middle of the spectrum between NFN (Not fucking nice), and RFN (Really fucking nice).

"Did you take that girl home last night?"

"No, but we made out in her car for a while. It was PFN."

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Pfn - slang

plum fucking nuts

that chick is pfn

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paul fuking norton

hes da best

paul is god.

pfn is the best eva

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means pay for nothing

Naomi said to Dom 'Have you paid for your membership fee this year?'
he replies 'what membership fee?'
Naomi said 'the PFN dumbo...dont be late or you'll miss out'

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A term for saying goodbye to a friend when you know you will see that person again shortly. An acronym derived from the commonplace Russian-English hybrid phrase, "paka for now."

--- I'll call you later.
--- PFN

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