Definder - what does the word mean?

What is perping?

A liar, someone who is lying.

You: I lifted 250 lbs. on the bench press, at lifting!
Friend: Perp! You can't lift nothin.

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perping - meme gif

perping meme gif

perping - video


Perping - what is it?

1.chronic weed;really strong weed

"i got some perp, lets go cheech"

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What does "perping" mean?

REALLY good weed. short for purple, referring to one of the many strains of purple weed.
purple haze
purple kush
grand daddy purp and
purple monster

This perp is some of the best bud i have ever smoked.

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Perping - what does it mean?

Perp (pronounced Pu-rp).

A slimy scoundrel who lies, slanders, stalks, harasses, & generally torments a Targeted Individual for no reason other than having a black heart of dust & nothing better to do. Most Perps have no use to society, are completely ignorant, are psychopaths/sociopaths & covert malignant narcissists.

β€œThat perp who brighted me on my drive home is the same perp I caught going through my garbage last week.”

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Perping - meaning

perpetrator, one who a police officer suspects of a crime

The perpetrator exited the vehicle and made a furtive gesture as if to seize a weapon, whereupon I blew him away.

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Perping - definition

1. An abbreviation for perpetrator. (Someone suspected of a crime)
2. An abbreviation for Purple Haze, a breed of particularly potent marijuana that displays purple fibers.

1. After a fed showing various mugshots and sketches to a witness, he asks, "Do any of these resemble the perp?"
2. "Smoke perp by the pound, ounce by the fifth ..."
-Young Jeezy, "Trap or Die"

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Perping - slang

The little slimy things that hang from a gangrene infested penis.

Joe went to the doctor to have his puss-filled perpes removed from his gangrene infested penis.

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Pixel herpes, its what net sluts get when they have unprotected pixel sex.

Amy that pixel slut gave me perpes.

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Perping to mix mash brands or articles of clothing that technically don’t belong together. As used in the nineties, in the north/Midwest

You’re wearing Adidas track pants and Nike flip flop, you’re perping.

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To act like you don't know something.

George why you perping like you don't what went on last night?

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