Definder - what does the word mean?

What is perPLEXed?

I’m puzzled; I really don’t know what to do with myself. UD Jews, I’m talking to you guys.

I really don’t know how all of this is going to work out. Really bad timing.

I’m just hoping maybe some kind of event happens soon. Then I can catch up with everybody else.

The world is beginning to overtake me. I don’t know what to do.

I’m perplexed. Everything is beginning to overwhelm me. I’m really overwhelmed and confused.

👍27 👎11

perPLEXed - meme gif

perPLEXed meme gif

perPLEXed - video


PerPLEXed - what is it?

Weird flex

It's a perplexed gloat however tolerable

👍25 👎11

What does "perPLEXed" mean?

A word used to define those who are extra stunned and somewhat lit ya know. Its like that bitch named stacey who thinks shes the shit.

Im so lit im perplexing pegasus

👍185 👎81

PerPLEXed - what does it mean?

Hugs and prayers to us both😿
It would appear we are not the handsome gentleman either one of us are searching for.

The coincidences … so many.

I guess when you want something so badly, you will overlook the things that don’t fit and focus on those that do.

When you have your word be a number it is easy to find when you search for new definitions. That is how I found it. It just happened to be that my handsome gentleman just deleted me from social media and then you had a post stating you needed to sit on the naughty seat. Completely fit my situation.


Again hugs for your heart. If you ever need someone to talk with you know how to get ahold of me.

👍53 👎77

PerPLEXed - meaning

Bleeding out of the ass while taking a shit

I was very perplexed yesterday while the blood flowed out of my ass

👍95 👎203

PerPLEXed - definition

Feeling confused and slightly worried,

Perplexed defined "I'm not sure what to do with my daughter!"

👍51 👎21

PerPLEXed - slang

An extreme state of confusion, insanity, fear.

Johns mom went perplexic when he vomited all over the carpet.

👍47 👎19


To the utmost confusion.

The crowd was perplexed because of the movies plot twist.

👍69 👎29



The woman was perplexed about what to do with my huge penis

👍213 👎109


1)a word smart people use to say "baffling" or for people with weak vocabulary: "shocking".

We have no school tomorrow, how perplexing.

👍179 👎57