Definder - what does the word mean?

What is penis shit?

When your going for a piss and shut starts shooting out in small lumps.

You: β€œAhhh what a nice sleep I had time to drain the snake, fucking hell there’s shit coming out my penis. Owwww it hurts so bad that head was next level babe you making me shit penis god damn.”

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penis shit - video


Penis shit - what is it?

a description of something that is useless, boring or of no value

My wife wanted to go on a yoga retreat. i told the lads and they all agreed it was a penis shit idea

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What does "penis shit" mean?

a pathetic asshole who picks on people wimpier than him
he generally has no life or friends
oh, and most people hate him
(sometimes referred to as a 'shitpickle')

dude: god damn! erica is SUCH a shit penis
otherdude; i know! yesterday she stepped on my doritos after her shit penis friend kicked them out of my hands!
dude: what shit penises

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Penis shit - what does it mean?

Licker of shit coming from penis

you penis shit licker

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Penis shit - meaning

One who licks the penis that has just been inside their own unclean asshole.

Ever since I saw poo on Branka's mouth, knowing she is fond of cock sucking, I had a hunch that she was a penis shit licker.

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Penis shit - definition

When someone puts a dildo up your anus and you have to get it out by shiting and it stinks.

Dude I just had the worst stinky penis shit last night

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