Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pee stick?

Used to describe a gun

Yeah man last night I came through with my Pee stick and got him right in the face

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pee stick - video


Pee stick - what is it?

to take a pregnancy test; a serious matter

Looks like I'm going to have to pee on a stick!

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What does "pee stick" mean?

Or POAS refers to the act of taking a pregnancy test or ovulation predictor test. It could also be used in other 'urine testing' contexts too.

I couldn't wait to pee on a stick so I picked up a couple HPTs and took one in the mall restroom.

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Pee stick - what does it mean?

1. The act of taking a home pregnancy test, usually referring to someone who is hopeful for a positive result.

I'll be peeing on a stick if I don't get my period by Tuesday.

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Pee stick - meaning

When your penis isn't big enough to be called a penis. A vienna sausage size pecker.

John was so ashamed of his Pee Pee stick when Suzie started laughing.

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Pee stick - definition

A new and creative name for a the male genitalia, that should be revolutionized

Girl: did you get hecked by a pee pee stick
Guy: ya bet I did
Girl: that’s the tea sis

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Pee stick - slang

Where you have an erection, and try to pee, so you start hitting people or objects with it to lessen your erection, and as you are doing so, you start to pee on everything. And someone pukes.

"Man I was trying to pee and when I hit the door with my penis, I peed on my cat and he threw up!"

pee stick penis puking kitty cat kitten fuck Obama's socialistic bitch ass NAZI! pee stick

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Pee stick

How a 2 year old says Penis, Dick, Cock, or Wang.

Timmy: Mama, why do you like to suck on Daddy's pee stick?
Mama: Timmy, you've got a lot to learn.

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