Definder - what does the word mean?

What is patho?

An SCPF on the ROBLOX platform known for its interesting game mechanics. It's one of the only SCPFs to have a fully functioning high-way system and a unique SCP system. Unlike other SCPFs, the SCPs are controlled by players (actors) and are capable of making the gameplay more engaging for the player base. The lore is fascinating, although a bit flawed, with the facility being located 8,000 feet below the Pacific Ocean accompanied by a questionable timeline. In all fairness, the game is great. But the leadership, not so much. The O5s, SC-4s, and other department heads regularly abuse their power on-site. This is either by abusing admin commands, giving themselves special tools, or messing with FP and CD personnel. There is also a clear sign of corruption within the command structure.

I love Pathos III. I just wish that the leadership was a little less intolerant and oppressive to their subordinate personnel who put so much time and effort into the game.

👍29 👎11

patho - meme gif

patho meme gif

patho - video


Patho - what is it?

Another shitty SCPF game on Roblox with an even shittier command team behind it.

Boy, I fuckin' hate Pathos-III! I hate the O5 Council and the Manufacturing Department!

👍35 👎13

What does "patho" mean?

My mom says I look good in leather.

Also, belongs in fyad

So I told my mom something I shouldn't have. Now pathos.

👍33 👎107

Patho - what does it mean?

PATHOS-II, located in the North Alantic Ocean, is an underwater research complex found in the video game, SOMA. The complex is owned and maintained by Haimatsu and Carthage Industries.

The complex is made up of nine different facilities:

- Upsilon: The main facility's power plant.

- Lambda: This is where a shuttle hub is located, connecting to all the facilities.

- Theta: A place where staff living quarters and administrative offices, as well as a research laboratory.

- Alpha: The location of the main core of an artificial intelligence named the WAU.

- Delta: Delta is where the payload shells for PATHOS-II's Omega Space Gun are created.

- Tau: A station located in "The Abyss" where staff living quarters (for the staff there), maintenance areas, and cargo transport system are found.

- Phi: Also located in the abyss, Phi's main purpose is to keep hold of the Omega Space Gun.

- Omega: The point where the Omega Space Gun's end is in, also used as a meteorological outpost.

- Omicron: Where almost all the research is done, also maintaining the Climber, an elevator that heads to The Abyss.

PATHOS-II was originally built in 2061 for conducting thermal mining, but when a comet hit the Earth in 2103, PATHOS-II started a project named the ARK.

"Welcome to PATHOS-II - Your Expressway to the Stars."

👍47 👎11

Patho - meaning

A slang term for a pink disposable razor with flowers on it.

I shaved this weekend with a pathos.

👍47 👎97

Patho - definition

Source of the word "pathetic." An almost predetermined likelihood that events will play out in a certain way. Resistance is futile (pathetic)... the 'stupidity' of trying to change things that are obviously going to go in a certain direction.

Manfred was overcome by the pathos in Hamlet.

Jimmy saw the oil all over the road right in front of his car, so he stomped on the brakes and turned the wheel to avoid the concrete wall on the other side. How pathetic.

👍59 👎69

Patho - slang

Disease; suffering: pathogen.

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something that evokes pity, sorrow, compassion

my best friends cat died overwhelming me with pathos.

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Pathos is the positive force that exists everywhere in the universe, its polar opposite being logos.

No such thing as good and evil, only pathos and logos, respectively.

👍127 👎27


something that a guy calls a girl he loves. (hindi)

patho, mere saath chalogi kya?

👍45 👎31