Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pamplemousse?

grapefruit in french

person 1: pamplemousse

person 2: what
person 1: grapefruit
person 2: what

👍25 👎11

pamplemousse - meme gif

pamplemousse meme gif

pamplemousse - video


Pamplemousse - what is it?

Canadian slang: To cry, often excessively.

Man, that movie sure had me watering the pamplemousse.

👍25 👎11

What does "pamplemousse" mean?

a french white braided bread

Give me some of that pamplemousse !

👍83 👎305

Pamplemousse - what does it mean?

The late, great Brazillian composer that invented the refrigerator.

He also invented the telephone.

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Pamplemousse - meaning

An annoying, pesky, person who is immature.

"Hey, you know that boy over there?" "Yeah." "He's a pamplemousse." "Oh, I'll be sure to stay away."

👍149 👎255

Pamplemousse - definition

Pamplemousse is a person that everyone wants in their life. They are totally awesome and don't have many friends, yet they cherish the ones they have. They get drunk often but pretend they're fine, even if they get alcohol poisoning. They sometimes watch shrek movies and poo, but that's okay. Dogs are good at cleaning that kinda stuff up. They like French a octopi, and they have peepeepoopoo syndrome and white eyes.

pamplemousse is cool pewdie

👍35 👎33

Pamplemousse - slang

A french woman's breasts.

Merde! Look at ze pamplemousse on zat girl!

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why, yes, it's an insult to call someone a grapefruit, in french.

"OMFG! Way to go, ya fucken pamplemousssssssssse!!"

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This is the French word for grapefruit, but it is also slang for 'fatso'.

Mangez plus, Pamplemousse!

👍361 👎163


a french grapefruit

je suis une pamplemousse

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