Definder - what does the word mean?

What is padraig?

A One Of A Kind Handsome Young Man Who Is Well Adored By World Leaders Globally

I Want That Padraig Ferguso In The Super Bowl

👍31 👎15

padraig - meme gif

padraig meme gif

padraig - video


Padraig - what is it?

A well paid man. Has a house in Brussels, Dublin AND Castlebar. Reckons we should try it sometime.
Irelands mostest well liked politician/celebrity. Like favours.

"I Padraig Flynned myself this weekend."

What do you mean?

"Bought a third house didnt i..."

Wow, congratulations!

"You should try it sometime."

👍25 👎11

What does "padraig" mean?

Hi Lenny :)

Lenny(padraig) is a mean guy

👍35 👎79

Padraig - what does it mean?

ubbelivebal ginger haired lad, with great a great peronailty and great in bed,

Padraig Mc Mahon

👍115 👎107

Padraig - meaning

Crazy Irish folk that get all liquored up and dance naked and scream cusses at people.

Hey Tommy, damn those padraigs are some crazy folks!!!!!!!!

👍151 👎127

Padraig - definition

A man who has abnormally long cock (normally about 20cm) and likes to use on his friends mothers

Is that his fella hanging out of his trousers?

Of course sure his name is Padraig

👍47 👎21

Padraig - slang

Irish fellow with an amazing sense of humor, super hot, fast runner, L.A.R.P's like nobodys buisness. Can be very strange and somtimes freak you out,...But his FANTASTIC looks pay it off for it.

1:what did your boyfriend say?
2: "My pencil:the sword i slay ignorance with, the brush i paint knowledge with."
3: WOW so Hot he's deffinitly one hell of a padraig!!!!!!

👍117 👎45


First the Gaelic, then Celtic version of the Old Latin word "Patrick," meaning; of Royalty, or personified as in the patriarch. Now in English as; good/great in a significant way, cool, awesome.

He's a Padraig. That's so Patrick.

👍145 👎55


Gaeilge ,i.e native irish, for Patrick.
Pronounced Paw-rig

Conas ata tu, a Phadraig?
Hiya Padraig

👍211 👎77


Padraig is the sweetest boy you will ever meet. Totally weird but thats why you like him. There can never be a dull moment with a padraig. a padraig will always be there to listen and support you. a great and loyal friend. padraigs arent that smart , but he makes up for with his looks. If you have a padraig cherish him because he is truely great.

Friend: look its padraig! hes so cute.

Me: what a big cute loveable dummy.

👍57 👎15