Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pack-up?

Saying that meants get ready to move

Pack up tha cats and move to the city

👍41 👎25

pack-up - meme gif

pack-up meme gif

pack-up - video


Pack-up - what is it?

when you do something remotely illegal and you end up getting caught

oh shoot, lil timmy is getting packed up for messing with that 17-year-old

👍33 👎13

What does "pack-up" mean?

To lose an erection.

I was all hot for that chick but then I saw her making out with the keg nozzle so I'm packing up the tent.

👍37 👎15

Pack-up - what does it mean?

1. A quick and witty negative response to a potential suitors advances. Typically given at a bar, party, or any popular hangout spot of single people.

2. A negative rebuttal to a "Pick-up line" which gives the pick up artist a clear cut sign that their attempts to woo a mate will be unsuccessful. Typically results in lower self-esteem on the part of the advancer.

Guy 1: I don't understand, I gave her my best Pick-Up line!
Guy 2: What did you say?
Guy 1: "Your place or mine?"
Guy 2: How'd that go for ya?
Guy 1: She said "Both, you go to yours, and I'll go to mine"
Guy 2: Damn man, that's your Pack-Up line, time to pack up and find a new girl, because that one isn't going anywhere.

👍55 👎23

Pack-up - meaning

Laughing so hard you cease to function properly.

Comes from the original term which defines a machine breaking down by saying it's "packed up"..

Dude.. When you fell down those stairs, we just packed up.. I mean, I couldn't even breathe!

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Pack-up - definition

Means Smoking Weed, Specifically:
1. The 'packing' of cannibus into the bong, for yourself or someone else.
2. To go for a chronic smoking session with friends.
3. To be 'shouted'/given free bongs from someone.

1. "Can you pack me up a cone dude?"
2. "Let's go home and pack up.
3. "Thank's for packing me up tonight man, I was hanging for a 'chop' so bad."

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Pack-up - slang

to stop working; cease operating; fail

two of the aircraft's engines pack up.

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beaten into a ball

Pat: Damn man did u see that fight?
Juan: Yeah man u did get yo a$$ packed up!

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Dead, usually used in gangs to celebrate an opps death.

We smoking on that (name of dead opp) packthat nigga got packed up.

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An alternative for "packed-luch". People in Lincolnshire use it alot!

"Mum.....have you done my pack-up yet?"

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