Definder - what does the word mean?

What is overworker?

Not getting enough money for the amount of work being done.

Getting underpayed & overworked @ any job really sucks.

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overworker meme gif

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Overworker - what is it?

Seriously, Business Academy students at UVJVS.

"Hey, s3nt3nc3d, what crap did Mrs. 'Sharp' give us today?"

"A 5-page packet on Ethernet cables."

"WTF?!? We just got done with our projects and we still have a shitload of work to do! Ethernet cables? Who makes packets on Ethernet cables?"

"Being overworked sucks."

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What does "overworker" mean?

Business Academy students at UVJVS

"Mrs. 'Sharp' gave us 7 more pages of useless crap to fill out!"

"Damn, we still got the 12 pages of useless crap to finish from yesterday!"

"I know! We're so overworked!"

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Overworker - what does it mean?

Twice. That's it

Damn did you see Twice literally releasing soo much music each year. They are definitely OVERWORKED

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Overworker - meaning

Salaried employee who intentionally works extra unpaid hours, and makes sure management notices.

β€œThat Madison of yours, isn't she quite the overworker. Looks like you’ve got yourself a real keener there.”

β€œYou know what, here's the thing: I really can’t tell if she gets any more done than anyone else on that team. What I do know is I have to pay the cleaning staff overtime to not finish the washroom til she goes home. So annoying. When we cut down next month, she’s first to go.”

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