Definder - what does the word mean?

What is oomps?

a general name for a sexual act performed by a female on a males penis

person 1:"the other night lindsey was oomp oompin on a wang wang"
person2:"yeah i heard it was kyles"

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oomps - meme gif

oomps meme gif

oomps - video


Oomps - what is it?

To throw up in your dad's car, often a result of drinking too much at a bondfire.

Man Boris, you better not oomp your loomps on my new seats!

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What does "oomps" mean?

big weight and a person who walks with much gusto.

I'm saying, all i got for u now is that big oomp. Your not even regular clientele!

Home boys got much oomp

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Oomps - what does it mean?

the sound one says when you do not know what else to say

"PP, why the fuck did you do that?" -Kyle. PP replies, "OOMP."

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Oomps - meaning

Pile of shit at the bottom of a hand rail

Don't do that rail there's an oomp

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Oomps - definition

A Midget like female who is too tall to be considered a Midget but too short to be considered an average person. Usually has a lot of attitude (short people syndrome) and super sassy. favorite catch phrase is "biitttchhh".

Yoo look their goes oomps being herself again
I dont really like oomps attitude.

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Oomps - slang

A random sound exclaimed by a person to express amusement at something funny/ironic/weird/stupid/crazy.

Oomp! Look what Jessica did to Keyasha!

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Artist trippie redds brother whom he called oomp in a few song including the one β€œoomps revenge” hit song from life a trip album

Yo have you heard trippies new song about his brother

Yeah I didn’t Oomps revenge

Yeah great song

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oomp stands for "one of my professors" on twitter

oomp is late for class

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Trippin to bigger extent

You Oomping if you think you can take my cake

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