Definder - what does the word mean?

What is onage?

Dropping the hot balls on the kill. Which makes others cry of joy.

I'm gonna onage your girl.

Let's onage some trees.

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onage meme gif

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Onage - what is it?

The creepy and immoral practice of glancing quickly at another dude's dick while pissing at a urinal.

How did James know that I was uncircumcised? He must be a master of es-pee-onage.

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What does "onage" mean?

A heavy catapult used wy back in dem midevil times

Prepare the onager! FIRE!!!!!!

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Onage - what does it mean?

A wild, fast running ass.

Look at that Onager go!

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Onage - meaning

a way to tell your friends about your nuts without it being weird

today I cut my onage

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