Definder - what does the word mean?

What is on Jag?

The act of driving a car with passengers while consuming alcoholic beverages, preferably on gravel roads. Common in less populated area's of the mid-west.

Dammit, the Billy Ray Cyrus concert is sold out. Let's just go jagging.

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on Jag - video


On Jag - what is it?

A term used in Hawaii- specifically Maui- to describe oneself when you are drunk, wasted

Man 1: Ho, Maika’i is sooo jag right now, he stay falling over

Man 2: I know!! He wen drink 5 beers already

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What does "on Jag" mean?

In the world of sports, JAG is the term for an average at best athlete, meaning, "Just A Guy."

Joe: "You think our first round pick will ever amount to anything?"

Bob: "No, sadly he is a JAG."

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On Jag - what does it mean?

A car built in Coventry, England by Jaguar Cars which is the only known cure for the pain of being a middle-aged man.

Man 1: Hey you look fantastic, so relaxed. Are you on Prozac?
Man 2: No man, I got my Jag.

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On Jag - meaning

A slang for a British car Jaguar

1-Hey, I got a Jag
2-Wow, sure is a beautiful car

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On Jag - definition

kidding, fooling around (Pittsburgh slang)

Just jaggin' ya man.

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On Jag - slang

A tall, homeless looking skeleton with an ugly goatee, manbun, and always wears the same American flag tank top. Literally every fucking day. Has not worn anything but shorts since December of 2017, and even that was like seeing Jesus’ second coming.

Common phrases to trigger the beast include, β€œI’m sΓƒyin”, β€œIght cool”, β€œya.”, β€œcan you hang at any point this {insert unit of time measure here}”, β€œbet Steve bet”, β€œZach would kick your ass”, β€œbro why am I always the punching bag?”, etc.

The JAG’s natural habitat is a moist, humid swamp full of wet towels, onion spoons, and broken off-brand vapes.

Person 1: β€œhonestly bro, I’m sΓƒyin”
Person 2: β€œbro relax, you sound like a JAG”
Person 1: β€œwhy are you telling me this?”

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On Jag

an irritating individual with no sense of a social filter and no realization of the implication of his actions; socially inept.

"Did you hear the ludicrous things that guy was saying? What a jag!"

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On Jag

Jagged means you've gone to an extremely low body fat percentage where the striations or lines within your glutes have become visible to the naked eye. Only when lines are visible to the naked eye can one claim to be jagged.

Tom: Damn, Alberto Nunez is fucking jagged! You can see the lines in his glutes clearly!

John: You need to lose 5 more pounds and you'll be jagged bro!

Lawrence: All these LOA Athletes are getting jagged as fuck.

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On Jag

A popular technique employed in many first person shooter games whereby the player attempting to perform the skill (the jag), moves around in an erratic, zigzag like fashion, making it difficult for enemies to hit the player.

The term jagging was coined and popularized by the player CurtMACHINEHEAD in the game Gears of War, in which he dominated by use of a glitch known as the "lobster trot" in combination with his jagging technique.

CurtMACHINEHEAD: You can't hit me, for I have mastered the black art of jagging.

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