Definder - what does the word mean?

What is oi Paki?

Oi Paki, if you shout this at someone in india you will probarbly get sturred into a curry of some kind. If not then your head is likely to get chopped off

Oi paki...*paki chopps person shouting 'oi paki' up and stirrs them into a curry*

Oi paki..*paki chops persons head off using a large machetti and a harclip*

👍107 👎199

oi Paki - video


Oi Paki - what is it?

Something often yelled by ignorant white boys at bruvas of asianic origin which results in an ass whooping.

"oi Paki!?....Oh shit man i didn't mean it...please man...don't kill...i'm just a sad little white boy...i don't mean no harm...please make me a slave.

👍231 👎351