Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nyytard?

The best anitoker of all time, while also being the most hated. Has a group of goons called "Tards" and is also a Eren fanboy.

Person !: OMG! Nyytard posted a new edit
Person 2: Cmon, you know jemar is better.
Person 1: stfu jemeater

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

nyytard - video


Nyytard - what is it?

The guy with 10k on tikok and also beat a girl in the bathroom

No way bro nyytard beat another girl what the hell

πŸ‘69 πŸ‘Ž13

What does "nyytard" mean?

Some gay mf that thinks that aot is the best thing every created. He goes out of his way to make sure any aot slander isnt actively taking place. Bias. Chris Brown

β€œDont be such a nyytard”

πŸ‘301 πŸ‘Ž35

Nyytard - what does it mean?

The guy who beat a girl and also thinks that aot is the best anime of all time

Nyytard:eren isn’t a bird you bakasπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

πŸ‘39 πŸ‘Ž17