Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nunga?

Your bosom. Your boobs. Your tits. Titties. This word is found in the book series by Louise Rennison.

Damn, that girl has huge Nunga Nungas!

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Nunga - what is it?

nunga nungas is a term for boobs used in a series of books called the confessions of georgia nicolson

she got knocked out by her nunga nungas

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What does "nunga" mean?

Nunga Nungas are a term used for breasts in a book series about Georgia Nicolson, written by author Louise Rennison. Breasts are called Nunga-Nungas originally by Ellen's brother because of the noise they make when you pull down on them and then let go.

As I was going out my bedroom door I remembered my nunga nungas. Perhaps I should take some precautions to keep them under strict control Maybe bits of Sellotape on the ends of them to keep them from doing anything alarming? I'd like to trust them, but they are very unreliable.

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Nunga - what does it mean?

Basoomas. Breasts. From "Confessions of Georgia Nicholson". Singular form - Nunga.

Nunga-nungas can potentially knock you out if they're big and you don't wear a sports bra when running.

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Nunga - meaning

A an affectionate term applied to someone who has done something stupid or is acting in a stupid or ditzy way.

Named after a South Australian tribe of aborigines.

That was a nunga thing to do locking the keys inside. Stop being a nunga and put your trousers on

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Nunga - definition

Mistaken term that has become accepted terminology. New slang for african american. Origins come from "nuca" - an amiable term in concert between two nungas.

ex. Sup, nuca!

But when a highly forgetful white girl from Maine tries to remember "nuca," she comes up with "nunga."

So now, it has become an affectionate term for a friend. Without offending anyone, of course.

"Yo, nunga!"
"Sup, nungaface!"
"Not much, nungabreath."
"Peace out, nunga."

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Nunga - slang

as in stupid person, used by the ngati pakeha tribe and the Maori Jesus

"Hey you nunga!!!!!"

"You are such a nunga!!!!"

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nunga means someone who yells or shouts at others for no reason or because they think they're powerful.

Ugh that "nunga" keeps yelling at us.

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Female genitalia.
A nonsense word invented by an unnamed writer for Picture magazine, who are not allowed to print "offensive" words on their cover. The writer felt that "nunga" sounded naughty and forbidden.

Let me dine upon your moist, dusky nunga!

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nungas are boobs. as said in a vair fun book.

an older brother said that when you pull on one it bounces and makes the noise "nunga nunga nunga". this is the true origin. although, it may not be so true in itself.

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