Definder - what does the word mean?

What is noxu?

A ‘Noxu’ is a typically older man who has a profound interest in little donnys. Known to entertain the masses at any given time.

I met a noxu the other day he was extremely weird

👍25 👎13

noxu - meme gif

noxu meme gif

noxu - video


Noxu - what is it?

A hamburger the size of a walnut. Also A jewish hotdog.

I love the taste of noxus!

👍33 👎19

What does "noxu" mean?

Noxus has two definitions, as region of the game League of Legends Universe or a person.
Noxus is influential and authoritative individual. Noxus is often defined as someone who is extremely powerful in means of influence. Although Noxus can be threatening at times he can be very friendly within friend circle.

Noxus is such a rude asshole but no one can do anything about it.

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