Definder - what does the word mean?

What is northbrook?

1. Good teachers

2. Bitchy people( the β€œpopular” girls were annoying af)
2. Ugly asf needs to remodel
3. Filled with Jews
4. Basic bratty white girls

Northbrook Junior High aka Nbjh

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northbrook - meme gif

northbrook meme gif

northbrook - video


Northbrook - what is it?

northbrook middle school in mendota illinois is a horrible school everyone is over dramatic, 40% is white girls in hoodies and buns, or mexican girls trying to be white, 15% is the kids that are pretty often high, 40% is the majority mexicans that play basketball constantly, and the other 5% is the other random races thrown in. A lot of kids here will never actually fight anyone and when they do they are petty fights.

Shithead-β€œhey I heard Northbrook Middle School was a great school”
Jared-β€œDo you like petty drama and girls that think they know everything?”
Shithead- β€œOf course!”
Jared- β€œThen this is the place for you!”

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What does "northbrook" mean?

a.k.a. Ghettobrook. A Spring Branch ISD high school, rivals of Spring Woods High School. It is filled up with gangs, mexican gangbanging people who think they're in the Jersey Shore, and think they're all that but in reality... Most people don't wanna learn over there, they're there for one reason, to slack off and have too much fun. Worse than that their football team sucks since the beginning of time because most football players never practice!!

Ugh, Northbrook High School is filled up with perverts, gangsters, pimps and hoes who think they represent "them spraingbrainch!" but they're just making it worse!

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Northbrook - what does it mean?

School shirt like sheng shiong super market shirt sec one got trend for vaping in toilet the teacher in the discipline room very scary

Ey what school u go sia
Walao limpeh go northbrooks secondary school

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Northbrook - meaning

The collection point for the worst Worthing has to offer, home to many world renown qualifications such as Level 1 Bricklaying and Level 1 hair and beauty.

Commonly referred to as a zoo - This is in fact incorrect, Zoo's have some sort of intelligent life in them.

'You see those chavs over there?'
'I bet you they do a level 1 BTEC at northbrook college'

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Northbrook - definition

Band based out of College Park Maryland, with Ryan Mentzos on vocals, keyboard and guitar, Steve Miscolczi on drums, and Sean McCamman on Bass.

They are a talented group who pull from bands like The Graduate, Brand New, The Sophomore Attempt, The Early November, Taking Back Sunday, Say Anything, Fall Out Boy, Jimmy Eat World, Relient K, Death Cab For Cutie, Kevin Devine, Northstar

Say what you want but Northbrook kicks ass!!!!

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Northbrook - slang

Worst town to ever move into. The people there are very snobby and rich. The peer group leaders who appear as "role models" at the GBN high school are actually just whores, drunks, or whatever other bad kids there are. If you are not cool in this school you are left with a bunch of lifeless dorks. The "popular" kids are rich out of their F******g minds along with everyone else who lives there. GBS is the way to go if anything. Theres absolutely nothing to do in this shithole of a town.

Rich kid: northbrook is sooo awesome! were the best!
other kid: f*ck you skank, rich whore. everyone hates you retards

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A hellish wasteland of perverted north shore stuck up ritch snobs and suberban ass clowns who voted for George W. Bush and cops with nothing to do but bust on the punks. see: hell purgetory berb

Damn, i got to get the fuck out of northbrook

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A northern suburb of Chicago that was home to film director John Hughes who directed Sixteen Candles Ferris Bueller's Day Off and The Breakfast Club. Also made famous for being home to Glenbrook North High School where some high school chicks decided to beat the shit out of eachother and call it a powder puff football game.

Northbrook may be hella boring but at least it's not Glenview.

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