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What is Spring Branch?

We got druggies,sluts bitches,fuckboys, you name it. We can’t go one day without a drug bust. Honestly we are just a fucking joke.

*drops baton* @spring branch middle school

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Spring Branch - video


Spring Branch - what is it?

An area approximately 30 minutes North of San Antonio where shit goes down. Not too many people know about the place, but it's diverse as shit. You got your ghetto, but then you got your athletes, jocks, rednecks, kickers, and everyone else in-between, especially the hot white girls. A lot of the white people are tight, especially the white basketball players. They the typical white boys, but they got just enough ghetto in them to be whats up.

That white boy can hoop, too bad he played at Smithson Valley in Spring Branch, TX where it all about football

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What does "Spring Branch" mean?

Spring Branch


''Say nigga You from Spring Branch''
''Yeah nigga i stay on Campbell at tha trailers reppin''

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