Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nokied?

when you cant stop shooting blanks,and you cum like a 2nd grader

a fat piece of shit that never moves

dirty little kelsey

2. My step mom is a fo-noky

3.My fo-noky

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nokied - meme gif

nokied meme gif

nokied - video


Nokied - what is it?

An abg on earth to make robot sounds while eating food into her bad microphone, typically an egirl that plays video games with other people.

"That Noki wont stop eating snacks in her microphone, its really annoying!"

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What does "nokied" mean?

While it may sound Hawaiian, this term is not. It refers to a demographic of people who have "No parents, no kids, no love interest." In other words child-less singles who's parents have passed away. Often used in context of guest lists at holiday parties. "Maybe we should invite him to Easter dinner. He's a nopa noki noli."

"Maybe we should invite him to Easter dinner. He's a nopa noki noli so he has nowhere else to go."

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Nokied - what does it mean?

Nokie Dokie is used to express disapproval. Not okay.

1st person: I'm sorry about last night, are you still coming by later?

2nd person: Nokie Dokie, I need some time.

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Nokied - meaning

No/I don't want to/nothing/various different versions of answering in a negative way.

Samantha: "noki boring walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Mr Samantha (her father): "Your English is coming along well Samantha."

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Nokied - definition

its the verb for doing a girl up the butt

I gave that bitch some of my homeade saki and then she bent over and i nokied her.

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Nokied - slang

Noki is a way of saying nokedli. Nokedli is a hungarian food or kids who are under 12 years old.

KDani is a noki

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ghetto name for Northern Kentucky

Just hangin' in NoKY - the finer part of the state.

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When you get hit by a mobile phone in the head from over 12 feet away. The mobile phone doesn't have to be made by Nokia, it could be made by any mobile phone company. To "Nokie" someone you must also cause some physical bruising to the head. Which is why it takes incredible skill to "Nokie" someone.

If you hit someone with a mobile phone from over 12 feet away you would shout: "YOU JUST GOT NOKIED!". Or if you were the person who got hit you would say: "I just got nokied!".

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Noki is a way of saying nokedli. Nokedli is a hungarian food.

KDani egy noki

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