Definder - what does the word mean?

What is no hot dog?

A commonly-used (but etymologically obscure) term for a sausage that is usually eaten in a bun with ketchup, mustard, and/or relish.

"Sandwich sausage" would be more accurate, but ther term "hot dog" has stuck.

The Dachshund is notorious for looking like a hot dog (the most likely reason that hot dogs got their name was their likeness to the dachshund).

"While in Frankfurt (appropriately), I once asked a German storekeeper for a 'heißer Hund'- literally 'a hot dog.' He burst out laughing, as 'heißer Hund' in German suggests a dog in heat." -Richard Lederer

You see, "hot dog" literally means a dog that is hot, and taken figuratively can mean a frothingly horny canine.

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no hot dog - video


No hot dog - what is it?

A term meaning I'm satisfied with the job, let's move on! OR the situation has been dealt with

Hot Dog! Job well done gang, on to the next case! or in this context - You found all my equipment you lost, hot dog!
My favorite - The evidence may be 12 hours long but you nailed it.. hot dog, team!

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What does "no hot dog" mean?

A dog that is hot

"Hey dude look at that hot dog"

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No hot dog - what does it mean?

Awesome(!), cool or neat.

Person 1: Looks like you get Saturday off work!
Person 2: Hot dog!

Person 1: You can have anything you want.
Person 2: Hot dog!

Person 1: Ha! We got free tickets!
Person 2: Hot dog!

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No hot dog - meaning

male prostitute

We have $65,000 budget for Hot Dog Friday. Let's fly in some "hot dogs" from Chicago.
Get some "pizza" too!
If we get the same β€œwaitresses,” I’m all for it!!!

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No hot dog - definition

When a male places his dick (or wiener) between a females butt cheeks (or buns) and thrusts without penetration.

John: So did you nail Mary?
Bob: Yeah, and we were hot dogging for a while too.
John: You're a freak.

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No hot dog - slang

a piece of meat that is cooked and is always enjoyed at baseball games

if you can tell what meat makes up a hotdog please post it here

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No hot dog

When a naked male gets a boner and sandwhiches it in between his also naked partners ass cheeks, thus forming a hot dog.

When i rolled over to spoon my girlfriend in bed one morning, she yelled at me for hot dogging her when my hot dog slipped in between her buns.

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No hot dog

A name for a small dick that's the size of a Hot Dog. The fact is having a little weiner is most common in the Ross Ohio area.

I sure hope that my Hot Dog isn't to small for Renne.

Have you seen Jimmy's penis? Yes it's little and looks like a hotdog.

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No hot dog

when a male rubs his penis between another male or female's butt cheeks with out penetrating the anus.

Jack hot dogged Sally untill he blew his load.

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