Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nintendon't?

a comical way to ask someone to stop doing something

person1: *is speaking some bullshit*
person 2: can you Nintendon't

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nintendon't - meme gif

nintendon't meme gif

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Nintendon't - what is it?

When Sega does something better than Nintendo that they have to brag about it

Sega: Genesis does! what nintendon't.

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What does "nintendon't" mean?

An advertising campaign created by SEGA in the early 90s to promote the Genesis against the NES.

You can't do this on Nintendo! Genesis Does What Nintendon't!

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Nintendon't - what does it mean?

A phrase used as a marketing campaign by SEGA during the early 1990's to compete with Nintendo in the home-console market. In promotional material, you would often see the line "SEGA does what Nintendon't" or "Genesis does what Nintendon't" if you lived in North America.

Genesis does what Nintendon't

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Nintendon't - meaning

What you say when you see a video game company come up with a really bad idea or when someone is about to play a bad game. This phrase is used to say that someone should not go through with their shitty idea.

Bob: Did you see the trailer for Call of Duty Infinite Warfare? Joe: Yeah. They should have Nintendon't.

Carl: I'm going to play Paper Mario Color Splash. Karin: Dude, Nintnedon't.

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