Definder - what does the word mean?

What is niggerly?

niggerly coordinated- referring to one's 'fresh' or dare i say 'mackdaddy' style and swagger commonly used throughout the african american community and is percieved as a compliment

Ey man, look at dat dude o'er derr wit dat niggerly coordinated outfit...he so damn fly

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niggerly - video


Niggerly - what is it?

Complete opposite of Beverly Hills, expect to have your tires taken off your car, mugged, beat up, or killed. (Enter at your own risk)

Frick no man! you think us crackers can drive thru niggerly hills without consequences? Just take the long route no need for a potentially dangerous short cut.

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What does "niggerly" mean?

When a white person is acting black

John your white quit acting niggerly don't use white people you will get punch

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Niggerly - what does it mean?

The act of being a nigger, a stupid black

That guy has been acting niggerly lately, better stay away from him!

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Niggerly - meaning

When a white person acts black

John quit acting niggerly your white (white people will get smack for using it)

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Niggerly - definition

Adverb. When someone outputs niggerish trait of stealing, stabbing, or picking cotton.

Matt niggerly stole my care package of a p-red.

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Niggerly - slang

Something that acts very FELONISH and CRIMINALY

Aryan chad: Jamal is so niggerly
Histroicalwizard: is your spouses husband ok with this

👍25 👎17


-messed up
-the act of being gangster
-when something is ghetto
-to act ridiculous/stupid

(not to be used as a racial slur)

Hold up, man, gotta restart my computer. It's being niggerly.

Look at his niggerly walk

Damn dude, that car is niggerly.

Dude, stop being niggerly.

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