Definder - what does the word mean?

What is niggarachi?

A flamboyant gay black guy

Look at the niggarachi over there lookin gay asf

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niggarachi - video


Niggarachi - what is it?

It could represent any race of individual who Simply is just that one annoying friend that every group all over america has like Stiffler or Steve O for example. Niggarachi has several meanings so STAY TUNED!!

That niggarachi has bumped his fucking head if he thinks he's getting into my nutsatchel for MY SKITTLES!!

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What does "niggarachi" mean?

An openly heterosexual black alpha male. The nigga of all niggas. Otherwise known as dat nigga.

I wish niggarachi was gay, cuz it ain’t no hoes left when he around

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Niggarachi - what does it mean?

Snoop Dogg's New legal name.

Niggarachi made the song "Drop it Like It's Hot", back when he was snoop doggy dogg, fool!

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Niggarachi - meaning

1. Black ghetto female. Plural: Niggarachies

2. A black bitch you DON'T mess with

LaTisha- averege nigga

Radica: "What you lookin' at, hoe?

LaTisha- "Not you, ya fuckin' bobble-headin' cum guzzler."

At LaTisha's funeral

Radica: (opens coffin) "Bitch, you neva fuck wit no niggarachie. (spits in face).

Moral: Neva fuck wit no niggarachie. Bitch.

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Niggarachi - definition

A openly homosexual black man that has an intrest in the performing arts. In essence, a black Liberachi.

"That niggarachi sure knows how to play the piano"

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Niggarachi - slang

A white person who thinks there black.

sally, that little niggarachi thinks she can dance with that flat ass and no rythum.

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a niggins that plays the piano...and is gay

Jimmy Jam Lewis' gay ass is sucha niggarachi playin beethovens fif on the piano

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