Definder - what does the word mean?

What is neo Nazi?

Pretty much anyone. Originally meant someone that espoused Nazi ideology such as believing in eugenics or the supremacy of one race over another. Now, in Amerika, usually the person that calls another a neo-Nazi is more resembling of Nazis than the target of the insult.

Peaceful BLM/Antifa Rioter: "YOU ARE ON STOLEN LAND, YOU NEO-NAZI... WHITE SUPREMACIST... RACIST!!!" *throws fireworks into outdoor dining area* "YOU ARE SO HATEFUL AND VIOLENT"
Person trying to eat dinner at a restaurant: "Dude, you just randomly came up and attacked me. WTF is wrong with your head? ... And how am I a white supremacist if I am Black?"

👍115 👎89

neo Nazi - video


Neo Nazi - what is it?

Plain and simple.
New age Nazi.

American History X.
Neo Nazi

👍785 👎589

What does "neo Nazi" mean?

A moderate sized cult of individuals who wish to spread a message of hate. Try to emulate the Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) party of World War II Germany. It is thought that the intense hatred expressed by these individuals may be linked to an inactive sex life and/or small penis.

Dude, Joe hasn't been laid for a long time and I think all that sexual frustration may cause him to do something retarded, like join the neo nazis.

👍2781 👎1493

Neo Nazi - what does it mean?

A member of a fringe group inspired by Adolf Hitler's Nazis.

Neo-Nazism is perhaps ill-named as it implies that the original Nazi movement at some point ended or disappeared.

👍937 👎469

Neo Nazi - meaning

A modern day nazi. Many neo nazi's are nazi simply for the sake of being nazi. They hate everyone, but focus that hatred on the people who do not look like them and those with non WASP religions. Neo Nazi's tend to be either complete idiots who carry out acts of terror (See combat 18, Blood & honour) or repressed intellectuals who have been held down mainly by the enemies of nazism, and feel that they should join the nazi cause for a better life.

Neo Nazism lacks the political influences of traditional nazis. Neo nazism is strongest in Germany, where many neo nazi's flock to pay homage and attack the synagogues. Because of this, some German synagogues have armed gaurds.

It is a sad thing that neo nazism exists. The main differences between neo nazism and traditional nazism is that traditional nazi's thought they were making a better world, and neo nazi's are here to make it worse without cause.

👍1225 👎581

Neo Nazi - definition

A name given to people whos political ideal is akin to that of the German National Socialist (Nazi) party of the 1930's and 1940's. Neo-Nazism can also be called White Nationalism. It appears in mainly North American and European countries. The cornerstone of the ideology is the want for these countries to be peopled by whites and support the exclusion of non-whites. It is usually supported by white working class people, especially those from mixed race areas.

Neo-Nazis are the subject of the film "American History X"

👍2865 👎1241

Neo Nazi - slang

People of European descent who support the ideals of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party for a white racial homeland and the freedom for white people to live together as a race and not be enslaved as a host to other parasitic races.

Those guys are Neo Nazis, they believe Hitler was right in concentrating on white countries for white people.

👍509 👎177

Neo Nazi

Someone who believes in the values of the Nazi party, and or practices their values.

Example: Fritz: "Johann what are you doing this weekend? " Johann: " Just jew bashing man, because I'm a neo nazi, what about you? Heil Hitler!"

👍431 👎141

Neo Nazi

people who are born in Germany who don't agree with what your saying according to American redditors.

What do you mean you don't agree with me you neo-nazi.

👍851 👎143

Neo Nazi

The Nazis of today who are usually fans of Hitler. They mostly believe that Jews/homosexuals/coloured people who aren't white/Muslims/all religions are retarded and that the world would be a better place with just Aryans.

They must be stopped. No one realises that they are getting bigger and stronger than ever, and if their plans aren't abolished soon, we might well be heading for another, more crueller, World War 2 (the European war, I mean). Need I say more...?

David Irving. Ask about him in any history class and you'll get a lot of dark, dark looks.

👍443 👎519