Definder - what does the word mean?

What is natted?

When one is watching a community channel video on Youtube.

Dude, talk to you in a bit, I'm Natting.
Man, I just Natted. It was spectacular.
Shh! I'm about to Nat.

👍115 👎21

natted - meme gif

natted meme gif

natted - video


Natted - what is it?

A lady of extreme I'll repute. Much like the Gnat she jumps from one person to the next inserting all manor of things into her slat with a never ending hunger.

That girl is such a whore ...more than a whore she's a Nat Nat

👍45 👎29

What does "natted" mean?

An Annoying Male Or Female .

Fuck That Hoe Cuz She A Nat Nat

👍241 👎247

Natted - what does it mean?

A lady of extreme I'll repute. Much like the Gnat she jumps from one person to the next inserting all manor of things into her slat with a never ending hunger.

That girl is such a whore ...more than a whore she's a Nat Nat

👍91 👎31

Natted - meaning

to be nasty, or to be a thot, or both

Fuck that hoe cuz she a nat nat!

👍51 👎15

Natted - definition

A female who takes any and every dick of all colors shapes and sizes in all oraphesis, happily.

"Bro you better use a rubber with her, bitch a straight Nat-Nat"
"Fuck that hoe cuz she a Nat-Nat"

👍97 👎21

Natted - slang

a female or male that fucks with the whole city basically like saying a hoe its a Atlanta slang word !!!

"Man, he the city !" , I heard she the nat nat of the school bruh go get some head from that hoe !

👍875 👎159


Another word for female thot or a woman that gets around.

Fuck that hoe cause she a Nat Nat

👍829 👎89


When someone intentionally leaves a private stash of marijuana or beer behind at a social gathering because they unexpectedly have to leave, and another person, or the group, gains that item.

We just natted that weed.

👍137 👎25


Natted -When someone intentionally leaves a private stash of marijuana or beer behind at a social gathering because they unexpectedly have to leave, and another person, or the group, gains that item.

We just natted that weed.

👍129 👎23