Definder - what does the word mean?

What is my Goat?

Something that annoys you or turns you off.

Antonym: Float your boat

That really bloats my goat. - Said when annoyed about a specific thing.

Whatever bloats your goat. - (Antonym to whatever floats your boat.) - Said when you don't agree with someones peculiar or unusual opinion on a turn off, but you respect their right to be turned off.

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my Goat - video


My Goat - what is it?

A slightly tamer version of Fucks Me Off.

Dude: I asked my girlfriend if I could try the Houdini
Friend: She told me I had no chance
Dude: That really gets my goat

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What does "my Goat" mean?

One of the most successful trolls in the MMORPG called 'Runescape'. My Goat Died began trolling the clan called "Catherby" with the help of his fellow troll and irl friend, Edible Zebra in August of 2010. He has added many targets to his trolling list but his main target is still Catherby. This guy is like a one man army, he has created over 250 accounts (with names like Beaver Guts, Pet Cannibal, Skin Factory and Limping Lime). He uses these accounts to clog the ignore/ban lists of his victims(each player can only have up to 100 players on their ban/ignore list) He is notorious throughout the community of the clan "Catherby" for his nonstop trolling and ban evasion. The reason for all this trolling, as Goat says is "to provide entertainment to the players of Catherby who have a sense of humor by trolling those without one."

Toward the end of 2010, he took a break from Catherby and joined "Clantast1c". He was well behaved in this clan until the owner banned him because of what he heard Goat had done to "Catherby". Goat retaliated by bringing his 250 account army to troll Clantast1c. Within a month, Clantast1c's owner closed the clan to all outsiders for fear of Goat wreaking any more havoc.

My Goat Died has since been trolling Catherby and Tezz.

Goat has trolled other clans, but not as persistently as Catherby, Clantast1c and Tezz.

Although My Goat Died trolls a lot, he is really a nice guy. He used to troll my clan, but we eventually became good friends.

Once your clan is targeted by My Goat Died, there isn't much you can do about it.

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My Goat - what does it mean?

This word means Totally. Its a fun rhyme and is funny to say when your saying yes to something!

Megan: Hey wanna come over tonight?

Stacy: Toats My Goats! Can't wait(:
Megan: Obamaz My LLamaz! See you then.

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My Goat - meaning

for those who dont like to blaspheme
basically means oh my god, but cleaner!!
said in exclamation, like janice in friends

OH MY GOAT!!!! look what a great definition i rote

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My Goat - definition

slang for totally, used between full grown men in a bro-mantic relationship, to convey their excitement to a suggestion. Made popular by Paul Rudd's character in I Love You, Man.

Sydney: Dude, we should rock out sometime.
Peter: Totally.... totes my goats.

Guy 1: let's go downtown and pick up some hot chicks!
Guy 2: Totes my goats!

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My Goat - slang

A mixed metaphor with the sole purpose of annoying the older generations.

That really grinds my goat.

I think you mean 'grinds my gears'

Shut up, you old hack.

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My Goat

A phrase which means to 'annoy' 'irritate' or which shows a general dislike. Another version of Grates my cheese.

"You know what grates my goat? That guy at work who eats like a horse."

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My Goat

pisses me off

The way you are chewing with your mouth open right now really just gets my goat

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My Goat

Australian slang for totes ma goat meaning totally, often used at bush doofs.

β€œWanna head back to camp and have a tube?”
β€œTouch my goat! Let’s go!”

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