Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mushie?

Creatures in the anime Mushi-Shi

Kind of like ghosts. But more like creatures above humans.

Ginko: That is a mushi that has eaten out all of your memories

Girl: Mushi...? Are they all bad?

Ginko: No. Only certain ones.

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mushie - meme gif

mushie meme gif

mushie - video


Mushie - what is it?


The sweet nothings you get from your bae .

Girl 1: You should hear the mushies I got from my boyfriend last night.

Girl 2: Ooooo. What he say?

Girl 1: He was all like "I'm never gonna leave you, you're my babe, I love you more than those tacos you gave me last night."

👍151 👎49

What does "mushie" mean?

Halucinogenic mushrooms. Usually of the genus Psilocibe.

"Aaaarrrr man, these mushies are fucken intense".

👍447 👎155

Mushie - what does it mean?

Overly sentimental or affectionate in a cliche'd way

Some of the love scenes were extremely mushy

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Mushie - meaning

When someone has you deep and your feelings And gives you butterflies when you think about them.

I got all mushy just daydreaming about my crush

👍395 👎37

Mushie - definition

A female who has no control when it comes to a certain man.
In the past this same woman has called all the shots, but now has lost her edge and is soft in the brain over him.

Would you please stop that mushy mushy shit, kissing his picture, fingering yourself when you think of him and when you look at his pictures! You're making me sick with all that crapola!

👍147 👎125

Mushie - slang

A word that describes when somethings emotional

Don't get all mushy mushy over me now!

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a mixture of a monster energy drink and a slushie

Hey Jeremiah I have a slushie and you have a monster, lets make a mushie.

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the most amazing mushroom avatar in the entire universe.

OMG that avatar is dead sexy, it is such a mushie.

👍49 👎31


someone cute. when you just want to squeeze their cheeks like a baby.

Mason is such a mushie i just want to squeeze his cheeks!!!”

👍27 👎11