Definder - what does the word mean?

What is musha?

The head of a man’s genitals. Referred to as mushroom or β€œmusha” for short.

Hey Evan. I can see your musha through your pants. It’s looking at me

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musha - meme gif

musha meme gif

musha - video


Musha - what is it?

Musha is a born king and destined to be great. He’s loyal to the ones he cares for however few people that may be.

He’s tough and nobody messes with him.

Musha is a sleaze and the biggest player going nobody is safe from him.

Person1- Oh look over there that’s Musha

Person2- Better watch what you say you don’t want to make Musha angry

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What does "musha" mean?

big booty nice pussy

that girl got all that erin musha

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Musha - what does it mean?

A Beautiful sweet, sexy, outgoing, loves to play games, loyal, doesn't judge others, easy to love, has a nice body, crazy at times and shy

Who is that musha girl? She has something about her that I like.

She is one of the most unique person you'll ever meet

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Musha - meaning

He is the realist of the real a true fucking OG ass nigga
That guy right there is a fucking Musha

Wazzup my musha

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Musha - definition

A word with no meaning, often shouted or slipped into convosations to trigger a diffrent emotion, depending on how or in what context the word is said in. Usually results in confusion.

Fred - I need help with my exam, got any tips for me?
Jebadiah - Musha.

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Musha - slang

In Irish Slang: Derived from the Irish word 'Muise', meaning 'ah' or 'well'.
Musha is used in Irish slang to give either sarcastic pity, playful pity or real pity- depending on the tone used to say it.

Fred: I have the man-flu.
Ann: Awww mushaaaa - it's just a head-cold.

Child: I hurt my knee
Aunty: Awww musha - come here I'll kiss it better.

Student: I have my exams today but I was out drinking last night and now I'm tired.
Sarcastic friend: Aww musha.

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its wear they giv it u up the ass using there hand and a rubber glove don't go near rob harney he does it all the time and trust me it isn't nice!!!!

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this is where they give it up the ass using a pair of pink rubber gloves

don't go near andy whiitaker he loves to do this the onli ppl who willl let him is mike harwood

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