Definder - what does the word mean?

What is munderful?

A derivative of the noun Gerund but directed only to individuals of Indo-Arian descent.

That Munder gets no bitches!

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Munderful - what is it?

1. The complete and polar opposite of wonderful. Everything that is horrible, wrong, decietful and unhealthy in the entire world.

Something that is munderful has absolutely no value. Munderful can be used to describe the symptoms and odors of a sexually transmitted disease hosted by any boy/girl under the age of 18.

After I hooked up with that girl my fingers smelled Munderful, So I never called her back.

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What does "munderful" mean?

The act of being a homosexual as well as illiterate at the same time. Also smoking pot and gorging himself with acts of sex fills the person's life full of love and laughter.

Bobby is opening the school for children with Munder Syndrome. a rarity experienced in the hearts of men from San Francisco.

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Munderful - what does it mean?

Small or below average scrotums. Balls that are not accurate in size and shape. It can be used to talk down about someones genitals or you can use the word as a put down.not reffered to as a wiener or shaft.

shut up munder face!

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Munderful - meaning

a person that is annoying or unreliable ect for any reason

pronounced β€œm-un-duh”

for example-

someone says they’ll do something and then don’t do it

β€œyou bloody munder”

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Munderful - definition

Means Murdering in Australia

Please dont munder me, I didn't mean to hit you.

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Munderful - slang

The area or patch of skin between one's genitalia and anus. For a male, it would start at the "bottom" of the scrotum, and for a female it would be the bottom lip of their vagina.

Often associated with the "worst of both worlds", the munder harbors the worst smells concocted by natural human odor. In the act of sex, forcing a lover's face onto one's munder is considered a power-play, and a means of control.

Munder is also used as a term to describe filth, stench, or general uncleanliness.

Man, that chick just smelled like an unwashed munder!

I call those munder tactics!

Did you see that? He actually pulled off the "Under-Arm Munderclutch!"

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