Definder - what does the word mean?

What is multishipper?

A term used to refer to one who ships specific character(s) with other characters instead of just sticking to one pairing, either due to multiple reasons -

1. That specific character(s) are a 'Little Black Dress'
2. People want to expand their taste

3. Or just because they want to, because why the fuck not?

Person 1: I ship Yoo Joonghyuk and Han Sooyoung together, but I also ship Yoo Joonghyuk with Yoo Sangah!
Person 2: Man, that means you're a multishipper!

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multishipper - video

Multishipper - what is it?

A multishipper is when you ship multiple ships at the same time that can include the same characters over again. Multishippers tend to be more chill than other shippers who absolutely want to have their way with the character. However multishippers still have NOTPā€™s(characters that they think should not be together).

Person 1: Oh, well Iā€™m a multishipper, so I ship charX with CharY but I also ship them with CharB or CharT, so Iā€™m fine with the outcome either way.
Person 2: Cool, I prefer CharX with CharB but I see it! But definitely not with CharF.
Person 1: I agree, CharF is too young!

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What does "multishipper" mean?

a multishipper is someone who ships multiple ships, either with the same characters, or with different characters. this person is not confined to only one ship.

Person 1: Dude, (character) x (character) is super cute! But I also like (same character) x (character).
Person 2: Oh, so you're a multishipper? That's pretty cool!

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