Definder - what does the word mean?

What is moji?

A nickname or a short name of iranian person that a name is MojTabA
It usually used that when you are intimate with mojtaba.

1.Hey moji..! How are you ,dude?
2. Moji..? Please help me , i have a big problem.
3. Moji is so kind and cute , i like him.
4. Where is moji..? Umm.. i think he's comming. Don't worry..!

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moji - meme gif

moji meme gif

moji - video


Moji - what is it?

A name to call your friend who is very cute . However, they need to have chubby check.

Mommy loves you Moji !

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What does "moji" mean?

A resident of Mother Joseph Residence Hall at Caldwell College. Located at 11 Ryerson Avenue, the dormitory building was named after one the founder of the college, Mother Joseph Dunn, O.P.

Hey Mojies! Today is gonna be a great day!

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Moji - what does it mean?

noun (abstract)

a state of emotional agreement to being a lovelorn regardless of the outcome, mostly due to personal helplessness

β€˜at this point in my life, i can affirm i i’ve been in a stable state of mojis. what will be will be’

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Moji - meaning


Just Vibes.

That was just Moji

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Moji - definition

Moji is a cat that formed a cult in a town in the Uk.

Long live Moji.

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Moji - slang

moji is a very sexy girl, can please you in all ways. you would be very lucky to marry her she will bring you sweet confectionary looking children for sure!

do you know moji? omg yes she so pretty 😩

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The shortened, street presentation of "emoji".

So, how do you spell that? "Betch!, wachu talkin' bout! I moji that.

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A common reduction of emoji (a small digital image or icon used to express an idea, emotion, etc., in electronic communication).

I need a moji of a deer caught in the headlights. How come there's no taco moji? Good moji pic.

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A word you use to describe something that’s indescribable.


McKayla: Hey look at that boy!!
Jade: Omg he’s so so so-
Tayla: So moji!!!

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