Definder - what does the word mean?

What is meye?

Karl's Cutie, Hana Chan .

Karl: Hana, my Boka meye!
Hana: Yes my Boka Chhele!

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meye - meme gif

meye meme gif

meye - video


Meye - what is it?

Meye is a sweet, eccentric person who doesn't know what she is actually capable of. Her anxiety can hold her back, but if you really start to know her, you'll see she's one of a kind.

She's acting a bit like Meye

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What does "meye" mean?

If you find a meye watch out. her eyes secrete poison and she is funny 🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈🏳️ 🌈

Watch out that meye is gonna kill us all

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