Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mexican jumping beans?

A Mexican who has jumped over the border into the US to seek refuge and leave Mexico

guy 1: hey did you see that dude jump the border

guy 2: yeah bro, that's a Mexican jumping bean right there

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mexican jumping beans - video


Mexican jumping beans - what is it?

when you stick a dildo in gas and then stick it in your girls vaginal cavity then light it on fire and she will jump around and you have to put it out with your cum quick

Dirty Mexican Jumping Bean

👍47 👎31

What does "mexican jumping beans" mean?

When a guy goes down on a latin girl and she can't control herself, causing her to "jump" around uncontrollably. Can also refer to a vibrator called The Bean

Guy 1: I ate out Maria last night and she started shaking around so much I had to slow down.

Guy 2: Thats what you call a Mexican jumping bean

👍31 👎23

Mexican jumping beans - what does it mean?

when a female puts as many tampons in her rectum. a few hours later she drinks as much laxitives as she can possibly have. and the "bean" will jump out

yep i saw saw a porno where a chick had a mexican jumping bean!!!!

👍51 👎55

Mexican jumping beans - meaning

The act of putting a high voltage piece of equipment to a pool of water filled with mexicans and watching them jump up and down in pain.

I got some Mexican Jumping Beans at Petco.

Those Mexican Jumping beans reached record hieghts!

👍47 👎33

Mexican jumping beans - definition

Epic little beans that you keep as pets for third grade. All you have to do is keep them locked in a drawer.

Guy 1: Hey what are those?
Guy 2: They are mexican jumping beans
Guy 1: EPIC!

👍45 👎27

Mexican jumping beans - slang

When a man cums on a womans breasts, and then slaps the sides and bottoms of the breasts, the sperm drops will bounce up and down.

I gave your sister a bunch of mexican jumping beans.

👍117 👎87

Mexican jumping beans

1. This is a term used for describing illigal aliens crossing the Mexican border.

2. This is a term used by police(pigs)refering to trying to arrest a Mexican running with lettuce(marijuanna).

Catch that Mexican jumping bean!

Look its a Mexican jumping bean.

Holy $h!% its a Mexican jumping bean!!!

👍95 👎45

Mexican jumping beans

illeagle steroids

I used mexican jumping beans to win the olympics

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