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What is mateja's?

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mateja's - meme gif

mateja's meme gif

mateja's - video


Mateja's - what is it?

mateja's a cool kid. but he just reposts too many memes that are the same one. mainly a europian dude

dude 1: "he keeps playing roblox and posting memes!"
dude 2: "bruh.. thats a mateja."

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What does "mateja's" mean?

mateja's that guy who just plays games a fair bit. he's got sweet brown eyes but can be a pain in the ass at times.

Guy 1: "Ugh that guy literally keeps posting the same memes again and again..!"
Guy 2: "Chill.. That's just Mateja."

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Mateja's - what does it mean?

He is white like Heaven but gets Black like hell in summer. Maybe heβ€˜ll love u but maybe he will kill u.If he does love u,he loves u very much.
If wants to Kill u he will tsukuyomi u with his mangekyou sharingan. if you do not know what that is he is disappointed as hell :(

Yeah, Mateja is my real Name...

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Mateja's - meaning

Mateja is a girl that loves adventure and won’t back down from a challenge. She acts tough around most people but when you get to know her she’s the goofiest person you will ever meet. She’s the kind of girl who will break out in a spontaneous dance routine at any given moment if she with her close friends. Mateja is the kind of girl you either love to death or you hate. But be careful that you don’t get on her bad side because it’s a dark place over there. Mateja is also very athletic and usually comes in size beautiful (or about 5’2- 5’6)

Girl 1: Look at that girl. What a Mateja. I wish I was her
Girl 2: I know she’s so pretty and funny!

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Mateja's - definition

A girl that you just cant get enough off.She is beautiful,smart,the most caring person you will meet.Mateja's boyfriend is the luckiest guy in the world. She is usually beautiful with a great sense of humor.She is just perfect.
Also really hot

Wow who is that girl
Her name is mateja she is so pretty

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Mateja's - slang

Mateja is a Serbian boy's name. He is a very funny person with a very good personality. He has a lot of friends. His friends think he is very funny and attractive. He is not gay, though. He is not homophobic either. He is better at everything and a Chinese mf Fillip. He is a very professional gamer. He has a dick size of a large cucumber.

Ohh, look at that hot guy over there. He must be Mateja
He probably has a big dick

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Is the name you give something that you cant get out of you're head or is very addicting.

That drink is like Mateja I cant get enough.

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Mateja is a girl that you will never want to let go of because you will love her so much once you have her. Every guy wants a Mateja, and every girl wishes to be a Mateja. She is a popular girl, but she is very humble about it. She is the type of person to care for others way more than herself. She can sometimes be a flirt, but once she finds a guy, she falls hard and is only all about him. She has a great smile and is always showing it (even on her hard days). She is always laughing about the littlest things. She is kind and sweet to everyone. She is good at everything she does. Not to mention, but she is also just so beautiful (inside and out). She is perfect in every way possible without even knowing it.

β€œWho’s that girl over there?”
β€œThat’s Mateja”
β€œOh, that explains why she’s so perfect”

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Mateja is a Serbian boy's name. He is a very honest and sexy person. He is a very funny and very good gamer. He is better than Fillip in many ways. His personality is very good. Also, his dick is very large. We can say he has a dick size of a large cucumber.

Ohh, look at that boy. He is Mateja. He must have a large penis

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